Programs and Services
Clinical Services
Eligibility Requirements | Immunizations | Breast and Cervical Cancer | Tuberculosis | Women Infants and Children - WIC | Family Planning | Report Disease | Obstetrics | School Health | HIV/AIDS-ADAP Services | STDs | Women's Health | Healthy Families | Diabetes
Wellness Programs
Tobacco Cessation | Healthy Start | Healthiest Communities | Healthy Babies | Mental Health
Community Health Planning
Assess and prioritize community health needs
Environmental Public Health
Protects the health and safety of Florida residents by enforcing the general provisions of Florida Statutes 381 and the specific guidelines of the 64E series of the Florida Administrative Code
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Educate, plan for, train for, and support responses to natural and man made disasters and events
Infectious Disease Services
Surveillance Reports | Diseases and Conditions
Birth and Death Certificates
Provide access to Vital Statistics documents
Connect with DOH